This quiz is designed to give you feedback on your understanding of vulnerability, part-game, game and slam scoring. As you become better in competitive situations these factors become increasingly important to giving your partnership winning scores.
Test yourself
Vulnerability versus non vulnerability; game, part-game, slam or grand slam; whether you or the opposition can bid and make these contracts; the likelihood of pushing the opponents to overbid; the wisdom of sacrifice bidding. All these should be controlled by careful evaluation of these factors for every hand. Eight questions with answers provided.
1. There is a points advantage for your partnership to be in game if you don’t make your contract. True False |
2. Being in slam rather than game gives you no advantage if you make 12 tricks… False True |
3. There is only 1 trick difference between game in a minor suit compared to a small slam False True |
4. If only the opposition are vulnerable and you go light in your contract… It doesn’t affect the score It doubles the points you give the opposition |
5. It’s usually better to make a sacrifice bid when… Your partnership is vulnerable and the opposition are not-vulnerable and are in game Your partnership is not-vulnerable and the opposition are vulnerable and are in game Your partnership is vulnerable and you will only go 2 tricks light, the opposition are in part-game Everyone is vulnerable |
6. Your partnership is in part-game, vulnerable and go light… It doesn’t matter because your vulnerability doesn’t make any difference to their score It doubles the points that the opposition score off you |
7. The points required to bid a small slam in either a suit or NoTrumps Are the same =33 points Are different with suit slams requiring less because of their ruffing potential |
8. To bid a Grand Slam in a suit you should have… At least 3 of the 4 Aces Controls in all the suits An eight card trump suit fit or longer All of the above |
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