Learn To Play Bridge Online
At 60SecondBridge you can learn to play Bridge completely online. 60 SecondBridge is designed to give Beginners, Junior and Intermediate level Bridge players a learning and playing environment with practice hands and interactive lessons on bidding and playing. You’ll also find hundreds of Bridge hands (with expert commentary) to play, take part in daily competitions, and self assessment Bridge quizzes.

This page is a ‘lite’ version of the interactive lesson in our Premium Area
Subscribe today to our free ‘Bridge Hand of the Week‘ newsletter and, as a bonus, get free instant access to our online beginner Bridge Courses – 31 interactive Bridge lessons (the Premium Members’ version) and 32 guided Bridge hands to play in our Premium Members area.
Our ‘Bridge Hand of the Week’ newsletter is a free guided Bridge game to play each week.
No spam. No login required. Pure Bridge tips and Bridge games to play.
Our Bridge Lessons Are In Five Courses
New to Bridge? – Start With Our Beginner Bridge Lessons
A series of short Bridge lessons designed for absolute newcomers. The lessons cover Bridge terms, minor suits and major suits, trump contracts and no trumps contracts, and hand evaluation. You will also be introduced to our daily online Bridge game which includes hints you can use to assist you with bidding. Most lessons include practice games and many include full commentary on bidding and play.
Standard American Lessons or Acol Bidding Lessons
After learning the basics of Bridge, you will then complete a series of Lessons with practice hands to play (there are more practice hands on our ‘Hand of the Day’ pages). After completing your beginner lessons, you’ll move onto bidding lessons. These lessons are divided into ‘Standard American’ or ‘Acol’.
NOTE: If you live in the UK, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand then we recommend you start learning Acol as that is the standard Bidding System in those countries. Other countries should choose the Standard American lessons.
By the end of this series of lessons you will be able to bid, understand your partners bids and play Bridge on the computer.
After learning Standard American or Acol bidding, you can then move on to more advanced lessons:
On Defense – Bidding & Play Lessons
Competitive bidding When you find yourself on defense there are many bids still available to you. Standard American or Acol competitive bids are the same and are system independent.
Defensive Play lessons for when you are the opposition and want to attack the opponent’s contract and take the contract light for points for your side.
Declarer & Dummy Card Play Lessons
Declarer Play for when you have won the contract and need to play your hand; There are practise hands with hints and guidance about planning your play.
After completing the above series of lessons you will be a Bridge player!
The 60SecondBridge website is divided into two sections, our ‘Public Lessons’ and our ‘Members Only’ section. The table below outlines the differences between the two areas.
‘Members Area’ lessons include inline glossaries for bridge terms, ‘test your knowledge’ instant quizzes and multiple practice hands for each lesson (see video below).
Our members-only lessons are a much faster and more effective method of learning Bridge.
FREE ACCESS TO THE FIRST 2 BEGINNERS COURSES (no registration required)- Quick Start – Learn By Playing Bridge (5 lessons)
- Bridge Hand Evaluation (14 lessons)
MEMBERS-ONLY SUBSCRIPTION - Standard American bidding System (28 lessons)
- Acol Bridge Lessons (26 lessons)
- On Defense – Bidding and Card Play (36 lessons)
- Bridge Conventions in Bridge (14 lessons)
- Declarer Card Play (16 lessons)
Our members area also includes unlimited random practice hands to play online, daily Bridge competitions and a daily ‘Hand of the Day’ game with a guided commentary.
PUBLIC LESSONS (text only)
Our public lessons are text and some images, they are not interactive and generally do not include practice hands. See the members area for a more effective method of learning bridge.